Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Call for Workshop Proposals Now Open! Sunbelt XXXIV

The Sunbelt XXXIV program committee is soliciting workshop proposals for the upcoming 2014 conference in St. Petersburg Florida.

Workshops precede the conference and are typically 3 hours or 6 hours in length. They feature a participant-centered and highly interactive approach. Workshops cover topics and skills that are important to researchers who use social network analysis and provide substantive training and opportunities for practice and critical discussion. Workshops will take place February 18-19, 2014

Please note that this time the workshop proposals have to be submitted through the INSNA website. INSNA has set the fee for all workshops: Students: 30$ for a 3-hour workshop, 60$ for a 6-hour workshop INSNA members and affiliate members: 50$ 3-hour workshop, 100$ 6-hour workshop

Workshop submissions are due by 4 October 2013. No proposals can be accepted after this date. Workshop space is limited and it is possible that not all proposals can be accommodated.

When submitting a proposal the following information will be required:

- Name/s of workshops instructor/s with affiliation and email
- Name and email of the lead instructor who will be responsible for conference correspondence
- Title of the Workshop
- Brief Synopsis (Abstract) of the workshop (500 Word limit)
- Attendance limit
- Workshop length

Proceed to Workshop Proposals submission

Specific questions concerning the Workshops can be addressed to jskvoretz@usf.edu

The organizing committee:

Russ Bernard
Chris McCarty
John Skvoretz

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