Monday, August 5, 2013

Call for Papers - Special issue in the journal Societies on Cross-Racial and Cross Ethnic Personal and Group Relationships

Call of papers.
Deadline is December 31, 2013.
Special issue in the journal Societies on Cross-Racial and Cross Ethnic Personal and Group Relationships.

What makes people develop heterogeneous networks across race and ethnicity? What do people gain from these heterogeneous networks?

In the face of an increasingly complex society, people seek out and form relations with those whom they feel safe and comfortable and perceive to be similar. As a result, racial and ethnic groups form their own distinct social networks that are separated and isolated from others, limiting information and awareness and the ability to develop consensus to address community problems and promote mobility. Homogenous networks also limit the ability of affluent groups to appreciate and address the social barriers of less fortunate groups. They are thus more likely to reinforce negative views of minorities, and the poor. Frequently, inter-racial/ethnic division is the norm rather than the exception. In fact, very few people have access and/or opportunity to develop cross-racial, or ethnic relationships due to the long lasting high levels of racial and ethnic segregation. Nevertheless, we know that Asians and Latin Americans have high rates of intermarriage, which signifies the emergence of networks that cross ethnicity and or racial lines. This special issue provides a window into the social mechanisms that foster cross ethnic and cross-racial and ethnic networks.

Please look at the Special Issue's websute at :

Please get in touch with us if you have a paper to consider.

Dr. Silvia Dominguez Dr. Cid Martinez Guest Editors Silvia Dominguez, Phd

Chair of the Latino Section of ASA
Ford Fellow Woodrow Wilson Fellow
Associate Professor Sociology and Human Services
Northeastern University Boston, MA 02115

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