International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications November 26-27, 2012 - Sorrento - Naples, Italy
Co-located with 8th SITIS 2012, Conference
Submission deadline: September 21, 2012
Web site :
Scope of the Workshop Real-world entities often interconnect with each other through explicit or implicit relationships to form a complex network. Examples of complex networks are found in many fields of science such as biological systems, engineering systems, economic systems as well as social systems. In line with 's tradition of SITIS promoting interdisciplinary research, the international workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from different science communities working on areas related to complex networks. The workshop targets two types of contributions from prospective authors: Contributions dealing of theoretical tools and methods to solve practical problems as well as applications solved by tools from network sciences. Both contributions should stimulate interaction between theoreticians and practitioners.
Authors are encouraged to submit both theoretical and applied papers on their research in complex networks. Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Models of Complex Networks
- Structural Network Properties and Analysis
- Complex Networks and Epidemics
- Rumor Spreading
- Community Structure in Networks
- Formation of Complex Networks
- Generation of Complex Networks
- Community Detection in Complex Networks
- Motif Discovery in Complex Networks
- Visualization of Complex Networks
- Complex network mining
- Dynamics and evolution patterns of complex networks
- Community discovery in complex social networks
- Visual representation of complex networks
- Methodological problems in complex network studies
- Applications of complex network analysis
Important dates
Submission deadline: September 21, 2012 (midnight, Pacific Standard Time)
Authors notification: October 8, 2012
Camera-ready: October 26, 2012
Workshop date: November 27, 2012
General Chair: Hocine Cherifi , University of Burgundy , France
Submission guidelines
All submissions should be in IEEE conference style and PDF format. Papers may not exceed 8 pages. Two extra pages can be purchased. Paper submission will only be online via: Easy Chair.
The online system will be used to handle and process all papers and to prepare for the final proceedings. All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression by at least two reviewers. The organizers will examine the reviews and make final paper selections. More details about the submission process can be found on the conference website.
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published by IEEE Computer Society and referenced in IEEE explore and major indexes. The proceedings will be available at the conference. Extended version of selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in major journals.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop. Registration must be done on the SITIS website at the time when the author sends the camera-ready copy of the accepted paper to the workshop chair. Workshop registration fee is determined by SITIS. A single registration for the workshop or the conference allows attending both events.
Workshop Web Site: Complex Networks 2012
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