Call for Papers - Social networks and collaboration
HICSS '46 Minitrack
January 7-10 2012
Maui, Hawaii, USA
The Hawaiian International Conference for System Science (HICSS - pronounced "hicks") is about to enter its 46th year. In 2012 there were about 950 people in attendance . Systems Science covers a wide range of
fields: the electric power grid, cybercrime, health, law, software development and much more. It is attended by scientists and scholars from all over the world. Last year the friends I met and hung out with the most were from Barahin, the Netherlands and Germany. Our track accepted papers from Korea and China as well as Western countries. The beautiful environment and frequent mixers allow participants to meet people not only in their on field and of their own nationality, but provides an opportunity to learn about exciting work that is going in other fields and in places across the globe.
The call reflects the varied interests of the three track chairs. One has more of a sociological background working with structural (network) sociologists studying social construction, another is interested cognitive psychology, mathematical networks and models and the third is interested in persuasion, social influence, the semantic web as well as social networks.
HICSS has provided a number of my long term collaborators and friends.
As a reviewer and mini-track chair I am told that if a paper is not technically perfect but exciting I should take it anyway. HICSS is not just about vetting papers like sausages, though the quality of feedback from reviewers is excellent, it is a place where real growth and discovery takes place. If you have a new and exciting idea related to human interaction and what it means to us, some new way to gather data about it using the on-line sources we have or have gathered the data by observation or other means this track will be a fun place to share your ideas and get feedback on them.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission: June 15, 2012
Author Notification: August 15, 2012
Final Version Submission and Registration: September 15, 2012
Conference: January 7-10, 2013
We invite papers that use social networks to help understand human behaviour by using network theory andanalysis to study and model human groups (teams, organizations, societies and individuals. We are interested in empirical papers that observe or visualize social relation and social graphs;theoretical papers that simulate society through software, design research that addresses social network based software and information systems; papers that use social networks to gain insight into human behaviour and other papers with empirical studies of social influence.
We are particularly open to papers that explore unusual ways of modelling social networks: models that demonstrate or reflect the influence of social systems on user behaviors, models that consider the multiple connections between people, technology, and institutions, models that break personal identity into sub-relations, and models that examine the emergence of roles, identity, and institutions.We are interested in applying the network sociology of Mark Granovetter, Harrison White, Charles Tilly and related scholars to information systems.
With respect to content, the track is open to analysis of collective intelligence websites, new knowledge creation, collaboration, persuasive technology, analysis of social graphs, organizational analysis, crowdsourcing as well as ad hoc social networks formed in response to pressing social needs, e.g. in the area of health and wellbeing. Thus the track is open to a wide range of content areas that lend themselves to the analysis of relations.
Topics we are interested include, but are not limited to:
•Collective intelligence websites (multimode interaction, like wikis)
•New knowledge creation
•Web collaboration (wikis, Skype, blogs, Facebook and social media in
•Other collaboration (Notes, ERM and other proprietary systems)
•Applications of SNA
•New methods of SNA
•Novel insights from analysis of social networks and social graphs
•Social networks and identity
•Social networks and cognition
•Social networks an organizations
•Networks and influence (persuasive technology)
•Ad hoc social networks formed in response to pressing social needs, e.g. in the area of health and wellbeing.
Thus the track is open to a wide range of content areas that lend themselves to the analysis of relations.
Authors submit full papers by June 15. Follow the Author Instructions to be found on the HICSS web site (, as deadlines approach. All papers will be submitted in double column publication format and limited to 10 pages including diagrams and references.
Authors of accepted papers submit Final Version of paper by September 15. At least one author of each accepted paper must register by September 15 with specific plans to attend the conference.
Authors may contact Minitrack Chairs for guidance and indication of appropriate content at anytime.
Minitrack organizers:
Donald F. Steiny (Primary Contact)
University of Oulu, Department of Information Processing Science
Rakentajantie 3, 90570 Oulu, Finland
US Address: 251 Webster St, Palo Alto, CA 94301
Departmental phone: +358-8-553-1900
Departmental fax: +358-8-553-1890
Direct phone: +1-650-646-5368
Harri Oinas-Kukkonen
University of Oulu, Department of Information Processing Science
Rakentajantie 3, 90570 Oulu, Finland
Direct phone: +358-8-553-1914
Departmental phone: +358-8-553-1900
Departmental fax: +358-8-553-1890
Jeffrey Nickerson
Mailing address: Stevens Institute of Technology
Castle Point on Hudson
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Direct phone: 201 216 8124
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Direct phone: 201 216 8124
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